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Jun 30, 20233 min read
“What is your problem statement?” A Change Manager’s secret tool
Preface In the world of program / project management, we are often faced with these situations: Everything seems to have come to a...

May 12, 20233 min read
Does a ‘small’ technology / system project really need change management?
Source: Preface In today’s world, technologies / systems are an integral part of any organisation. The key...

May 5, 20232 min read
Designing a communication strategy: key points for a Change / Communication Manager to consider
In the world of change management and project management, communication strategy is an integral artefact. If designed properly, it makes...

Feb 10, 20234 min read
Quality conversation: Cicero’s advice to Organisational Change Managers
Source: CPA Practice Advisor Preface In ancient Rome, Marcus Tullius Cicero (136 BC to 43 BC) was famous as a statesman, lawyer, scholar,...

Oct 23, 20223 min read
Using change management and two $2 investments in reducing children's screen time
As working parents with a young family, like any other working families, the wellbeing of our children has always been a key priority for...

Oct 13, 20223 min read
Effective home schooling during Covid lockdown: Reflections of a Change Manager
I am putting multiple hats in this article: a father, change management professional, a leader. Allow me to start with a statement: I do...

Sep 22, 20224 min read
Corporate / business communication: writing an effective email
Image source: Business Practice ( Background In the corporate / business world, emails are an essential...

Jun 3, 20224 min read
Elevator pitch: what is it and why does a professional need one?
Many a time – especially in wider team gatherings or in corporate training sessions or when required to introduce ourselves to a senior...

May 11, 20224 min read
Career progression and managing relationship with a mentor
Source: In my article Career progression and finding a mentor, I mentioned how to find a mentor. The next step is managing...

Apr 18, 20225 min read
Career progression and finding a mentor
Source: Many years ago I was a struggling international student in Sydney, Australia; studying full time and, to make...

Mar 13, 20226 min read
The Importance of saying ‘No’
Many years ago, at the start of working life, I faced a challenge which I wondered happened only to me. As I was in a very junior role, I...

Dec 7, 20212 min read
(Mis)Understanding Change Management 101: Are you an IT Change Manager or a proper Change Manager?
Many Change Management professionals have faced this question; so have I. Not once. Many a time. Are you an IT Change Manager or a proper...

Nov 18, 20213 min read
Managing change: how to write a good piece of communication
When it comes to challenges in writing communications artefacts, I think no one could have captured it better than Shakespeare. These...
Oct 22, 20212 min read
‘Communication is just drafting some emails, isn’t it?’ ‘No, it isn’t.’
Change and / or Communication Managers often face this question ‘Comms is just drafting some emails, isn’t it?’ I’m sure most of us who...
Oct 7, 20214 min read
Why should you never (hang on! actually always) hire a Technical Writer!
I want to share one of my many interesting experiences in the project world. I was working on a project rolling out a cloud computing...
Sep 23, 20214 min read
Home schooling as a change management experiment for children: More cons than pros?
As young parents with young children, my wife and I – like millions of mums and dads, care givers worldwide – had to put our daughter...
Sep 16, 20213 min read
Utilising coaching to facilitate organisational change management
There are so many factors that always subject an organisation to change: it could be a regulation, it could be a disruptive technology,...
Sep 9, 20214 min read
How should ideally a Change Manager and a Business Analyst (BA) support each other?
The success of a project depends on how well the people around it, i.e. sponsors, core project team members, and business units,...
Sep 1, 20212 min read
Zoom or Teams for collaboration? A Change Manager’s pick
In the recent past, and especially since the start of Covid 19, organisations have been increasingly focusing on virtual collaboration....
Aug 25, 20213 min read
Why should a Change Manager always be an active participant in User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?
In the world of project management, one key challenge Change Managers often face is how to make sense of the UAT. While some might be...
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